Workshop on Analysis and Recording of Cultural Heritage in Venice

key details

30 September — 2 October 2024
20 hours / Location: Venice / Cost: €350
Deadline 8 September 2024


The ARCHiVe Centre of Fondazione Giorgio Cini is presenting a workshop for the second consecutive year, focusing on the application of high-resolution, contactless digital technologies for the digitisation of documentary, archival, and library materials. Over 20 hours, the intensive workshop will introduce participants to specific 2D digitisation technologies and methods, as well as the application of deep learning techniques, computer vision, and the use of artificial intelligence in the post-production of digital files.

The three-day workshop will be held in person and will be based on a learning-by-doing approach, alternating theoretical training on photography, archives, and the preservation and enhancement of digital heritage with practical sessions, allowing participants to experience the handling and acquisition of materials. The workshop is open to a selected group of participants (students and professionals from various backgrounds) who will have the opportunity to learn and interact directly with the ARCHiVe team.

Accommodation for two nights at the Vittore Branca Centre Residence on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, lunch on the first day, and an ACTV pass for travel within the lagoon for the duration of the workshop are included in the participation fee. A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the workshop.


September 30, 2024

Day 1

Morning (11am – 1:30pm)

  • Welcome, general intro and programme overview
  • Ice-breaker: student presentations (3 mins each)
  • Presentation of Fondazione Giorgio Cini and its Archival Funds and Collections + Q&A
  • Visit to the Fondazione Giorgio Cini (including the Library, the Rare Books Collection and the Photo Library)

Afternoon (2:30pm – 5:30pm)

  • ARCHiVe presentation (projects, research and technologies)
  • Introduction to the principles of Photography + Q&A
  • Feedback and reflections from day 1
  • Optional: visit to the Homo Faber exhibition

October 1, 2024

Day 2

Morning (9am – 1:30pm)

  • Introduction to the different types of documents and how to handle them + Q&A
  • Practical 2d recording (session 1 and 2), divided into 4 groups
  • Post-processing

Afternoon (2:30pm – 5:30pm)

  • Practical 2d recording (session 3), divided into 4 groups
  • Post-processing
  • Feedback and reflections from day 2

October 2, 2024

Day 3

Morning (9am – 1:30pm)

  • Practical 2d recording (session 4), divided into 4 groups
  • Post-processing
  • Lecture on metadata creation, digital archives and digital library + Q&A
  • Developing projects for final presentation, divided into 4 groups

Afternoon (2:30pm –5pm)

  • Final presentation of the preliminary results of the workshop and possible outputs for the data recorded
  • Reflection on how to use the recorded information to preserve, study and disseminate cultural heritage
  • Feedback and reflections
  • Certificates and celebration drinks
  • Close

Useful information

The course will only proceed if 12 participants are reached.

If your application is accepted, you will receive an email by September 11 that will provide a deadline for accepting and paying for your place. Your place will be held until this deadline.

If you have any questions, please get in touch: